SpiceStation Special Grade | Elettaria cardamomum | Cultivated mostly in South America, Sri Lanka and India.
From there Gypsies brought this major ingredient in CHAI recipes to the Western world to be enjoyed in a variety of teas, coffees and iced beverages. Cardamom seeds are appreciated in kitchens around the globe for its culinary value.
Theine (caffeine) content: None | Gift Tin Packaging (Reusable & Recyclable)
Preparation as an Herbal Infusion: Bring fresh water to the boil. Warm up your cup or tea-pot by rinsing it out with hot water. Fill one teaspoon per 6 oz cup of whole or crushed seeds into the preheated tea-pot. Pour the boiling water into the seeds. Let infuse up to 10 Minutes and serve as tasty infusion or half an hour before meals to stimulate appetite. The seeds make a great addition as a spicy touch in teas, coffees and other beverages. Try also in oven & stove-top recipes. Store cool, dark and dry!
Since 1975 SpiceStation carries many Gourmet Prime Spices and Seasonings. We are offering some of these Spice Station selections on our website. For decades appreciated in the professional culinary world.
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